Nu är det 2012, jag känner en stor tilltro och stort hopp till ett fantastiskt år! Jätteskönt, tycker jag, att lägga 2011 till handlingarna. Jag känner mig stark att våga ta tag i det som måste förändras.. Livet är för kort för att inte lyssna på det innersta rum hos var och en av oss. Jag lämnar ingen årskrönika för 2011 utan slår ett slag för 2012 istället med en text av Marit Bergman...
It's so weird
I was just about to leave here
To say OK, they finally got me.
I give in
Oh I knew there must be something
meant for me out there
I just didn't know where to begin
You smile and then you lead me into the dance floor
I can fell that something's starting
Starting soon
Been so tired, haven't slept a night since 1994
Doesn't matter now we're on the move
'Cause this is the year, this is
The year it all will happen
It's finally here, I have been waiting
all my life
So put on your coat, it's
Time to go, it's time
For take-off
I think I can say without a doubt
This year is mine
We stumble in the stairs,
We're in a hurry now
No time to see the last song
With the band
'cause the fireworks have started
and the snowflakes
shape my name
don't say a word now
baby, take my hand
'cause this is the year,
this is the year it all will
it's finally here, I have been
waiting all my life
there'll be no mistakes
there's just gonna be one
big departure
this year I will do everything right, this year
is mine
yeah, I'm leaving tonight
Don't know how I know
but I do know that
This is the year, this is the
year it all will happen
It's finally here, what I have
been waiting for all of my
there'll be no more mistakes, no
more delays, just one big
Oh baby I don't know how
I guess we'll be
Somewhere out of sight
This year I will do everything right
This year is mine
KRAMAR Ann-Sofie
3 kommentarer:
Åh, jag tycker också det är så skönt att lämna 2011 bakom mig och ser fram emot 2012! Såklart :)
Såklart!! Ser så fram emot er lilla plutt, så himla mysigt med en baby ♥
Kramar kramar mina finaste systrar!!! <3
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